175 Richdale Avenue, Cambridge MA
Guide for Prospective Residents
If you think you’d like to live at Cambridge Cohousing, start getting to know us now! We encourage you to develop a thorough understanding of what life would be like here before you make a decision.
Use the information below as a guide to help you explore whether you’d like to join us.
Learn about cohousing so you can understand the elements that are common to most communities and the benefits of this way of life. Read articles, watch these videos and explore other resources at the Cohousing Association of the United States.
Read our Values Statement, and our governing documents, which are available on our Resources Page, so you are familiar with the bylaws, policies, and guidelines we've established for our community. All residents are bound by these, including tenants.
Read about some of the benefits and challenges of living in an intentional community, like the Food for Thought page that the Takoma Village Cohousing community has created for prospective residents.
Follow this link to learn more about sociocracy, our decision-making process.
Schedule a tour of Cambridge Cohousing so you can see how the community is laid out, note the features of our common house and grounds, and get answers to your initial questions about what it’s like to live here. For more information email us at tours@cambridgecohousing.org
Many thanks to Takoma Village Cohousing (takomavillage.org) for letting us adapt their Guide for Prospective Residents.