175 Richdale Avenue, Cambridge MA
Our Green Features
Recognizing the finiteness and fragility of our life-sustaining planetary home, Cambridge Cohousing was built to conserve the earth’s resources, and our residents continue to be committed to this cause.
Large solar power installation - 122 panels - completed in 2017.
Geothermal heating and cooling system.
Constructed using high-quality, sustainable materials.
Energy Star certified (the standard of environmental excellence in 1998).
Located within easy walking distance of public transit.
Shared resources - guest rooms & other common spaces as well as tools - snow-blower, grills, etc.
Residents are encouraged to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Organic vegetables are planted annually and local agriculture is supported.
Early adopters of the city-wide food composting program.
122 Solar Panels were installed in 2015.
Vegetables from our community's garden.